Dienstag, 15. September 2015

Child Health and Justice

Child Health and Justice

Research Workshop, October 15 & 16, 2015

Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P26480
 In cooperation with the JuriLog Group of the
Institute for Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Project KONTUZ!-2 (MINECO FFI2014-53926-R)

Thursday, October 15, 2015
9.30 – 10.00
Txetxu Ausín and Gottfried Schweiger: Introduction & Welcome
10.00 – 11.15
Rosario Carmona: The right of the child to enjoy the highest standard attainable of health in situations of poverty  or economic crisis: Analysis under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
11.15 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 12.45
Sridhar Venkatapuram: Health Equity among Children, and the Case of Vaccinations
12.45 – 13.00
Coffee break
13.00 – 14.15
Bill Gardner: Children´s Differential Susceptibility to Treatments: Implications for Justice
14.15 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.45
Rosana Triviño: Girls sexuality, reprodcutive health, and rights
16.45 – 17.00
Coffee Break
17.00 – 18.15
Carlos Pitillas: Psychological Effects of Extreme Poverty in Immigrant Children in the Settlement “El Gallinero” (Madrid)

Friday, October 16, 2015
09.30 – 10.45
Sepideh Yousefzadeh: Child Growth Monitoring: What lies Beneath the Weights and Height? 
10.45 – 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.15
Gunter Graf and Mar Cabezas: Children´s Bodily Integrity, Poverty and Obesity
12.15 – 12.30
Coffee break
12.30 – 13.30
Round table: Networking on research and policy making on childhood and poverty: Gabriel González-Bueno (Unicef), Txetxu Ausin (ASAP) and Gottfried Schweiger (ZEA)
Closure- Lunch

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