Dienstag, 1. September 2015

Extended Deadline Call for Papers

Child Health and Justice

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Dilemata. Journal of Applied ethics


Guest editors: Mar Cabezas & Gottfried Schweiger (University of Salzburg)


Justice for children and during childhood and the particular political, social and moral status of children has long been a neglected issue in ethics, social and political philosophy. The application of general, adult-oriented theories of justice to children can be regarded as particularly problematic. Philosophers have only recently begun to explore what it means to consider children as equals, what goods are especially valuable to them, and what are the obligations of justice different agents have towards children.


This special issue aims especially to combine different disciplinary perspectives and to explore how they can contribute to a better understanding of the normative foundations that are needed to improve –both, physical and mental- health during childhood in general and especially for disadvantaged children.


Interdisciplinary research and contributions from other disciplines (e.g. public health, economics, psychology, sociology, law, or education studies) are welcome as long as they also have a clear connection to the normative questions at hand.


The goal of this Special Issue is to bring together papers to discuss the following areas of concern:

-The intersection of health and poverty during childhood and its effects on the future life course. It is well-studied that health is to a large part socially determined and that the socio-economic position influences heavily the health status of both children and adults. Childhood poverty translates into health problems during childhood as well as in later life. This poses a wide range of ethical and justice-related problems that are still underexplored. For example the conviction that health is to large part a life-style choice is highly problematic for children and also for adults given the knowledge about the pathways from childhood to adult health. Theories that want to clarify what we owe each other as a matter of justice have to consider this knowledge more carefully.


-Conceptualizations of health of children, especially also the interrelation of such concepts as mental health and (subjective) well-being. There is still no consensus how health should be defined and what concepts of it are better fit to guide policy and action. It has also been seldom questioned if health can or should be differently defined for adults and children. Furthermore most defini6tions of health focus still on physical health while mental and emotional health is still widely undervalued. Childhood is a critical phase both for physical and mental health and the development for such crucial features as self-confidence and self-trust.


-The distribution and application of responsibilities to ensure health during childhood. If health is not an innate feature of children but to a large extent shaped by the environment, the social position and the actions of other persons and institutions, than this implies that different agents can and should be distinguished that share a certain amount of responsibility in respect to children’s health. In most discourses two agents are highlighted, namely the parents and the state and its health care institutions. But besides them other important agents are involved, for example the food industry or pharmaceutical companies.


-The access to health as a matter of children’s rights. Children’s rights and also the right of health have been widely discussed, in particular in the context of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. How can such a right be justified and is there a relation between children’s rights and justice for children in that respect? Does the framework of (universal) children’s rights offer a fit framework to guide health policies aimed at children? Also, the relationship between children’s rights to health and parental rights has to be discussed.


Submission and Schedule

* If you are interested in submitting a paper, please, send us first an abstract with your proposal. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. The deadline for submitting your abstract is 20th September 2015.

* Once your abstract is selected, you could prepare your manuscript according to the following guidelines:

-Accepted languages: English and Spanish.

-Article length: 6000-7000 words.

-Text format: singled-space; 12 point font; underlining should be avoided (italic is preferred, with the exception of URL addresses); pictures, figures and tables should be inserted within the text rather than at the end of the document.

-All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format by e-mail. They are to be prepared for anonymous review and sent as e-mail attachments (.doc, .docx, or .rtf files) to Mar Cabezas (maria.cabezas@sbg.ac.at).

-The deadline for submissions is January 25th 2016 and the Special Issue will be published in May 2016.

-Heading: Title of article, name of author, work center, university of origin, etc. Postal address and email address. Abstract of the article, with a maximum of 150 words in Spanish and English (for papers written in Spanish). Keywords of the contents of the article in Spanish and English (for papers written in Spanish).

-Bibliography: at the end of the work in alphabetical order. Only include publications that have been used and are cited specifically in the text. Based on the ISO 690:1987, take the following form: surname of author, author's name (both in lowercase letters), year of publication in parentheses, colon, book title in lowercase italics, place of publishing and editorial.

-References: The text of the article references to other works will be made indicating the author's surname and year of publication (an, if it is the case, the exact page where the quote is a paraphrase), separated by a comma, in parentheses (Gewirth, 2003, 20). If a reference contains a number of authors, cited one after the other separated by a semicolon. If you include several works by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them with letters (Gewirth, 2003a, 2003b).

The quotations should be in inverted commas, noting in parentheses below —no-footer— the author's surname, year of publication and page (Toulmin, 1999, 545-546). If the appointment is longer than five lines will be presented in the form of bleeding.

-Footnotes: The text notes and calls are numbered in succession and are situated below.

-Tables and graphs should be accompanied by its corresponding title and legend and numbered sequentially. The graphics may be submitted computer generated. Photographs may be in electronic form.


DILEMATA is a peer-reviewed quarterly e-journal centered on what is known today as 'practical ethics', 'ethics in action', or 'philosophy and public affairs' by the Institute of Philosophy at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

More information about Dilemata can be found here: http://www.dilemata.net/revista/index.php/dilemata/about

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